Notice of 2nd Area Council Meeting for Term 2009/2010

The Area W7 second area council meeting has been scheduled as follows:

Date : 29 October 2009 (Thursday)
Time : 7.00pm - 9.30pm (Dinner: 6.30pm – 7.00pm)
Venue : Seni Gallery , Lot 55350 Changkat Duta Kiara, Off Jalan Duta Kiara, Mont’ Kiara

1. Welcome address by Area Governor

2. Confirmation of Minutes of 1st Area Council Meeting

3. Discuss matters arising from 1st Area Council Meeting

4. Matters for discussions / actions
a. Area Goals
b. Division W TLI2
c. International Speech and Table Topics Contest 2009/2010
d. Moments of Truth
e. Succession Planning
f. Area Blog

5. Reports by Area Council Members
a. Education
b. Membership
c. Public Relation

6. Reports by Club Presidents
a. Club goals and plans
b. Membership
c. Special programs / activities
d. Challenges / Opportunities of club

7. Any other matters

8. Next Area Council Meeting

Welcome Remark by Area Governor

Welcome to Area W7 Blog – one of the key gateways to collaboration and synergy. Area W7 was established as a new area under Division W in July 2009, marking the beginning of year 2009/2010. This area is a unique combination of clubs – there is a 15-year old club (Friendship Toastmasters Club), a new born club (ING Leadership Toastmasters Club chartered on 10 July 2009), and 4 growing-up clubs (Hasil Toastmasters Club, KPMG KL Toastmasters, EXACT ADC Toastmasters Club and IREKA Toastmasters Club).

It is my privilege to walk with you in this journey of learning, growing and changing for better, in enhancing our communication and leadership excellence.

The uniqueness of Area W7 gives us great opportunities to learn and leverage on each other – through networking and collaboration. The idea of having a blog for Area W7 is to promote communication, connection and collaboration, among all the clubs and members.

The blog promotes communication – as it tells us who is who, what is happening, when and where; this will also be the channel for updates reports of past events around the Area, Division and District. Through links, clubs can use this channel to update the community of the Area, or even Division, on the clubs events.

The blog also promote connection – as it shows how a club is relating to and contributing to other clubs, how all clubs contribute to area, division, district, and Toastmasters International.
More importantly, the blog promotes collaboration – as it shows us the paths to helping others, and the sources of help we could seek from others.

Area W7 blog belongs to all of us. It will flourish and bear fruits as we work together to nurture it. In the spirit of friends helping friends succeed, with the commitment from all members and clubs, Area W7 blog will be instrumental in our journey of magical transformation to better communicators and leaders.

Thank you.

TAN Lay Theng
Area W7 Governor 2009/2010

Area W7 Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest 2009 Results

20th August 2009 – a memorable day in the history of Area W7. It was also a milestone in my Toastmaster journey. Yes, this is the day of the Area W7 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Speech Contest

I was appointed the Organizing Chair and this was a good learning experience for me. Since five out of the six clubs in Area W7 are less than 3 years old, we were all amateurs. Fortunately, under the guidance of a very capable Area Governor, CC, CL Tan Lay Theng, the whole proceedings of 0rganizing the Area W7 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Speech 2009 was conducted successfully with a team of dedicated role players. The “baby’ of Area W7, ING Leadership TMC graciously offered to host the contest. A BIG thank you to ING Leadership Toastmasters Club members for the fantastic hospitality displayed – from the logistics to F & B. Even though you all are less than 2 months old, your enthusiasm is commendable!

I have the opportunity to put into practice leadership skills learnt from the Toastmasters’ program – collaborating with people whom I have not met before. My persuasive power was also put to a test when I had to persuade the three clubs that did not hold any club contests to participate in the Area contest. Two clubs decided to send representatives (2 out of 3, not bad yeah?) making the total to 5 contestants per contest. The contestants are from Ireka TMC, Friendship TMC, Exact ADC TMC, KPMG TMC and ING Leadership TMC.

On the day of contest, we were overwhelmed at the good response – we had a crowd of almost seventy!

It was truly and enjoyable evening witnessing all the ten contestants displaying their skills to wow both the panel of judges and audience. KPMG TMC showed their prowess by winning both the contests. Let’s wish them all the best in the Division W contest! We may be a young bunch of Toastmasters, but we are a force to be reckoned!


Humorous Speech
Champion: Grace Lok (KPMG)
2nd Place: Victor Tan (Ireka)
3rd Place: Kelly Kong (ING)

Evaluation Speech
Champion: Raja Ahmad Muzamir (KPMG)
2nd Place: Brenda Loo (Exact ADC)
3rd Place: Russell Chong (Ireka)

contributed by
Lee Soo Ling
Assistant Area Governor W7

Our Fundamental Purpose

"Just what is the purpose of the Toastmasters Clubs?" said a man to me the other day as we talked about his becoming a member. "Is it just to teach men to face an audience, or is there something more to it than that?"

Dr. Ralph C. Smedley His question is not an unusual one, and is one that should be considered by every member, for it not only has its bearing on immediate matters, but definitely concerns the problem of continuous membership and the values of persistence.

The obvious purpose is to help men overcome the fear of the audience, gain facility in speech and learn how to express themselves clearly and concisely, but this is really a minor consideration in the minds of those who more adequately understand the possibilities of the work. The fundamental thing is to develop personality. Self-expression of any constructive sort helps in the integration of character, in the building of personality and in the discovery and conservation of latent abilities. No kind of self-expression is more effective to these ends than that involved in public speech.

My own interest in the Toastmasters Clubs would be very much less if learning to make a speech represented the ultimate value in it. I have been led to give thought and energy to the promotion of Toastmasters because I have learned, through many years of experience, that it affords the finest and most efficient means for bringing out and developing the very best that is in men. If I were to become personal I could name scores whose individual histories prove this assertion - men whose lives have been enriched, whose ability to serve has been increased, whose talents have been discovered, whose mental horizons have been extended, all because of the opportunity for personal development which they have found in the simple but effective program of the Toastmasters Club.

Better speaking certainly -- but that's only the beginning!

Much of this is beyond the present thinking of the newer clubs, but it must always be borne in mind that the fundamental motive of our movement is to make men better citizens, better Christians, better members of the human brotherhood by teaching them to use the best that is in them. This process of personality development is not one that can be carried through in a short time. A man can spend six months as a member of a Toastmasters Club and then drop out, feeling that he has learned to make a pretty good speech. Many, to their own detriment, do just this. Perhaps such a man has gained what he wants, but he totally missed our real purpose, and he has failed to take advantage of the opportunity to gain for himself a priceless endowment of moral and spiritual growth. It is the man who persists through the years who finds the genuine treasure in the Toastmasters idea.

I have in mind one man who joined one of the clubs a number of years ago. He showed quick improvement. He became an excellent speaker, and in the course of a year, other things intervening, dropped out, counting himself to have achieved success. After an interval of more than a year, he came back again and started in earnest on the quest for something, the exact nature of which he did not understand, but which he wanted. The result today, after persistent application for more than two years, is that this man has arrived at the place of true mastery, both of his speaking ability and of his own self. He has discovered new realms in his own mind which he had never known before. He has made himself far more than a speaker- he is a thinker. In his service to the community he is a new man. In his own business he has won advancement. His life means more to him and to his environment than it could ever have meant without some such stimulating, guiding influence as he has found in the Toastmasters Club.

This experience is typical of many who have stayed with the work. It is the best argument I know for long-continued membership, and it is a convincing testimonial to the mental, spiritual and social values of the movement.

When we think of the purpose of the Toastmasters Club let us remember that there are two rather distinct groups of purposes. The first is the superficial one, of helping men to learn to make better speeches. The second is the fundamental one, of helping men to build themselves into the very best of which they are capable. The first can be achieved in a comparatively short time. The second is a work of years - of a lifetime. Both purposes are worthy, but the second is the one that really counts.

This article, written by Toastmasters founder Ralph Smedley, was originally published in the December 1935 issue of The Toastmaster. It was published again on the 70th Anniversary of Toastmasters International in the October 1994 issue of The Toastmaster.

Experience from Songs

Our Club has successfully completed another round of meeting with 7 guests, Shamanti, Kelly, Tina, Gawri, Hui Sun, Huey Yean and Edgar.

We started the meeting as usual with a Humorous session. Toastmaster Chee Yoong followed by bringing in a Table Topics session with the theme deriving from songs. Table topic enthusiasts were given a tune and requested to share an account, experience or their thoughts when they heard the song. Gawri cheered all of us with her interesting account from the musical score “Money, Money, Money” by Abba.

This is quickly followed by the assignment speech #3 by Toastmaster Chee Yoong on “Don’t Run, Don’t Stop, Just Walk”. Unfortunately that was the only assignment speech as the other 3 speakers had to pull out due to work commitments. Well we understood that as it was the period for product release stabilization and handover but we are sure they will come back for the next round in full force.

Toastmaster Emily, CC Abdul Rahman Shah with our guests, Shamanti and Kelly.

Toastmaster Emily, CC Abdul Rahman Shah with our guests, Shamanti and Kelly.

Our timer, Toastmaster Rustam with guests, Tina, Gawri and Hui Sun.

Our timer, Toastmaster Rustam with guests, Tina, Gawri and Hui Sun.

Aishiang the only lady in the photo with our panel of evaluators, CL, CC Gan Seow Yung, Toastmaster Edward, CC Andrew Ng.

Toastmaster Ai Shiang the only lady in the photo with our panel of evaluators, CL, CC Gan Seow Yung, Toastmaster Edward, CC Andrew Ng.

Our guests exchanging a light moment with Toastmaster Joyce.

Our guests exchanging a light moment with Toastmaster Joyce.

Our guest from the Netherlands, Edgar. Hope you had fun!

Our guest from the Netherlands, Edgar. Hope you had fun!

Gawri, the winner of the Best Table Topic speaker of the day. Congratulations, you are a natural!

Gawri, the winner of the Best Table Topic speaker of the day. Congratulations, you are a natural!

Man in the Mirror Meets Gallstones

Meeting #57 started slightly late, something that is hard to avoid in an internal club with members busier than most MPs of Malaysia. However, once the meeting started, we know, that even though, the headcount is lower than usual (totalling 13), the meeting was still as lively, energetic and educational as any other Exact ADC Toastmasters meeting!

In the spirit of 1Malaysia, our Table Topic Master decided to throw topics that focus around the number 1. Although some of the questions were quite lengthy, our speakers braved on and gave their best. In fact, they did so well that our GE for the night (Miss Angeline Lee, CC from Friendship Toastmasters Club) commented that she now knows the four table topic speakers better after they gave a peek into their own personality. Toastmaster Brenda Loo won the Best Table Topic Speaker of the day with her intepretation of 1malaysia

Toastmaster Brenda Loo delivered her 9th CC project speech (”Man in the Mirror“). Indeed, I could relate well to her speech about stress and its related issues, just like seeing myself in the mirror.

Our President, CL, CC Yeow Yuen Kai delivered his 2nd speech from the Advanced Communication module, speaking to inform – “RM 18,000’s lesson” whereby he shared his father’s experience with gallstones and why we should try a proven natural method to flush these little “devils” out of the body. He emphasized on why we should do this before it is too late for us to save our gall bladders!

All in all, the project speeches were not only educational, but there were, in my opinion, shocking enough for me to take take care of my health. Surprising when, the speeches came from two hardcore code junkies.

Exact ADC toastmasters club would like to record our gratitude to Miss Angeline Lee for being our GE.

Award Presentation at District Council Meeting

Dear Distinguished Clubs 2008-2009, please be informed that there will be an Award Presentation for clubs which achieved President's Distinguished, Select Distinguished and Distinguished club status 2008-2009 during the 17th Semiannual convention.

The presentation will be held immediately after the District Council Meeting.

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