Welcome Remark by Area Governor

Posted on Saturday, October 24, 2009 by areaw7

Welcome to Area W7 Blog – one of the key gateways to collaboration and synergy. Area W7 was established as a new area under Division W in July 2009, marking the beginning of year 2009/2010. This area is a unique combination of clubs – there is a 15-year old club (Friendship Toastmasters Club), a new born club (ING Leadership Toastmasters Club chartered on 10 July 2009), and 4 growing-up clubs (Hasil Toastmasters Club, KPMG KL Toastmasters, EXACT ADC Toastmasters Club and IREKA Toastmasters Club).

It is my privilege to walk with you in this journey of learning, growing and changing for better, in enhancing our communication and leadership excellence.

The uniqueness of Area W7 gives us great opportunities to learn and leverage on each other – through networking and collaboration. The idea of having a blog for Area W7 is to promote communication, connection and collaboration, among all the clubs and members.

The blog promotes communication – as it tells us who is who, what is happening, when and where; this will also be the channel for updates reports of past events around the Area, Division and District. Through links, clubs can use this channel to update the community of the Area, or even Division, on the clubs events.

The blog also promote connection – as it shows how a club is relating to and contributing to other clubs, how all clubs contribute to area, division, district, and Toastmasters International.
More importantly, the blog promotes collaboration – as it shows us the paths to helping others, and the sources of help we could seek from others.

Area W7 blog belongs to all of us. It will flourish and bear fruits as we work together to nurture it. In the spirit of friends helping friends succeed, with the commitment from all members and clubs, Area W7 blog will be instrumental in our journey of magical transformation to better communicators and leaders.

Thank you.

TAN Lay Theng
Area W7 Governor 2009/2010

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