August Club Meetings (Part 2)

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010 by cheehoe

Hasil on Fri 13 Aug 2010

For Hasil’s Table Topics Session, the unique feature is that after each table topic has been answered, another member or guest is permitted to answer the same question. It is hoped that guests and new members will find this to be less intimidating and encourage them to participate in the table topics session.

Rashida answering a Table Topics question

TME Yoga delivered an advanced speech from the “Speaking To Inform” manual. He gave us a technical, informative speech about “Goodwill”.

TME Yoga who also presented a project speech

Friendship on Tue 17 Aug 2010

In her Invocation speech, Lay Theng shared with us how her workplace fostered the spirit of Achieving Greatness Together (meeting theme) by the simple act of removing partitions. By doing so, it removed the barriers to greater communication and interaction. Lay Theng’s inspiring message for us - Toastmasters is the best platform for Achieving Greatness Together. Let’s walk this journey together and accomplish (word of the day) the results we desire.

Table Topics Master Richard explaining the Table Topics debating game to Grace, Wendy, Angeline, Chee Hoe, Freddie and Tony

We then had an unusual Table Topics session led by Richard Solomon, who was visiting from AFC Club. Our volunteers had to explain why women should be given equal rights and then explained why women should not be given equal rights. Table Topics Evaluator Ben praised Grace, Freddie and Tony’s well-crafted speeches which were full of real-life examples that we could relate to.

Exact ADC on Tue 24 Aug 2010

TME Chee Yoong

The vision: to have FUN club meetings.

The plan: for this “Tell-A-Joke” meeting, not only was everyone asked to tell a joke, we also had a Games Session. With the exception of one or two members, everyone told a joke and we voted on the Best Joke of the day. It was a tough decision as quite a number of the jokes were hilarious (word of the day).

Kai Tian is the winner for the Best Joke of the day

In the Games session, each team was asked to send a representative to give clues to team members to guess a word and must not use of a list of taboo words. It turned out to be a challenging and hilarious session. Not only that, we worked on our quick thinking skills as well.

Caroline thinking on a clue for her team members

Kacey enjoying the Games session

What will Exact ADC come up with next in their quest to make their meetings fun? Perhaps you should attend their club meetings and find out what is in store.

Contributed by Angeline Lee

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