Impromptu Speaking Skills Workshop (II)

Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2011 by cheehoe

As a conversation is a two way street, we should also be a good listener. When we compliment someone, be sincere and be friendly. As practice makes perfect, she then asked us to put into practice what we have just learnt in her interactive workshop session.

Practicing our social impromptu speaking skills

In his closing address, Division Governor Vincent gave us an analogy. Seven spoons of sugar will not make a cup of coffee sweet until we stir it. Similarly for us, no matter how many workshops we attend, if we do not take action with what we have learnt, we will remain where we are and will not improve.

DTM LeAnn in action

Short Q&A session with LeAnn

After the workshop, we were fortunate to be able to spend a few minutes with DTM LeAnn. We seized the opportunity to ask her a few questions.

Division W Secretary Marian, Division W PRO Kimmy, AG W3 Angeline, AG W1 Siew Fun, Division W Treasurer Christine, DTM LeAnn & Division W Governor DTM Vincent

Q: How did you transform from the wallpaper to the confident speaker that you are today?
A: Thru Toastmasters! In a Toastmasters meeting, even though you would rather not speak, there will be someone cajoling you to give it a try.

Q: Do you still get nervous each time before you give a speech ?
A: No, I don’t. I tell myself to just enjoy it.

Q: For the rest of us who may still feel nervous, what would you recommend ?
A: Your fears will be because you do not want to disappoint the audience, you do not want to let them down. There will be club meetings where you felt you did great. There will other meetings where you felt disappointed with your delivery. When that happens to me, I acknowledge it and then let go. Life is too short to be unhappy about it.

Thank you DTM LeAnn, for your sharing your insights with us !

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