July 2011 Club Meetings Part II

Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 by areaw7

KPMG KL on Sat 23 July 2011

DTM Dennis Wee had to remind us that the Word of the Day is not handsome! This was after he was described as such by TME Janice and several other members and guests. Indeed he was incredible (the word of the day), as he presented "How to Craft a Winning Speech" based on his experience preparing for his contest speeches.

DTM Dennis

Then we had two project speeches from the Competent Communication manual. Ling Sim “got to the point” by telling us that “Two is Better than One”, while Amanda showed us how to get rid of tele-marketers. Ling Sim’s speech was the hot topic of conversation after the meeting ended !

Heading the evaluation session, the (incredible) General Evaluator DTM Dennis, evaluated the evaluators for Ling Sim and Amanda, and provided words of encouragement for all roleplayers.

GE Dennis receiving token of appreciation from President Aaron

After a short lunch break, KPMG club officers went over to TAR College to attend Division W TLI Training session.

As for Dennis, after the meeting, he received a text message thanking him for his presentation. A KPMG fan had taken the trouble to find out his contact number and sent him a note of appreciation.

Exact ADC on Tue 26 July 2011
By Caroline Yap

In her President’s opening speech, Caroline asked members to look back at what they have achieved as Toastmasters. She invited members to join forces with her, to encourage one another, as members embark on their Toastmasters journey together to achieve what they have aimed for.

President Caroline presenting Brenda with her Best Table Topics Speaker certificate

For the assignment speeches, we had two interesting line-ups from the ACB manual “Communicating on Television”. The first show was on “Hoarding” and the host, Chee Yoong was quite a natural presenter, as he interviewed the guest, played by Brenda. Brenda was equally believable as a Harvard professor who had researched and written a book on hoarding. The second show on “Happiness” was hosted by Brenda. This time round, Chee Yoong played the guest, a doctor from a reputable psychiatric hospital in Malaysia.

Exact's talk show hosts

Both speakers were natural and comfortable in front of the camera. In Loon’s and Yuen Kai’s evaluation of the assignments, they had nothing but praises for the speakers’ excellent preparation !

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